What is it about Thanksgiving weekend that makes me so lazy? I was just reading Teri's blog where she was blogging this morning instead of writing her 10-page paper; I can totally relate. I have been thinking about the Christmas tree since early this week, but it's still not up. I have laundry to do, but the washing machine is silent. Our closet is full of Christmas presents that need wrapping, I have pictures to mail and Christmas cards to send out. Our backyard is screaming for some attention; the plants are overgrown and desperately need a trim. Madison is napping, so I should be busy, busy, busy! Instead, I'm watching VH1 and posting about how lazy I feel. I think that I have so much to do that I don't even know where to start.
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18 hours ago
Give yourself some slack! It's ok to be lazy on a four day weekend. You already did some shopping! That's great.
Call me if anyone "good" comes on VH1 and I'll tune in. We have the same taste so you'll know who I mean.
Sorry I didn't mean to inspire you to be lazy :) I did manage to get 7 pages done today on my paper.
Layla: Thanks, and you're right. I just hate leaving things on my "to-do" list. They gnaw at me until I do them. There really was nothing good on VH1 or any station today. Holiday TV is never that great to me.
Teri: It was a great inspiration to enjoy a little lazy time for most of the day! Karl and I got the tree up and mostly decorated, and I trimmed my overgrown jungle in the backyard. You just couldn't tell it was a desert landscape with all the green going on back there. I do still need to do some weed control, but there's always tomorrow...
Lora, there's nothing wrong with being lazy every once in a while. Besides, it sounds like you and Teri were able to pull out pretty productive days! It could have been worse - you could have been galavanting across the Las Vegas Valley looking at wedding locations with mine and Amy's Mom's! (Just kidding - it was a lot of fun. It's just inflicting a new kind of stress)
I'm in the same mode myself. I'm using the weekend to blog so I can get all the stuff done in the week ahead.
My 'to do' list just gets bigger as I pile new things onto it. My backyard sounds like the non-desert landscape version of your jungle. I'm sure that I couldn't see my ankles if I walked around in there. So much that I need to do before I head to work but I feel like watching football or just heading back to bed.
My to do list is taking a back seat to bronchitis today -- but I still feel lazy not doing it. Enjoy taking the down time now, while you can. It all catches up with us after a while. PLay a little extra with Madison, and watch an extra lifetime movie. Revel, joy, sleep!
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