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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Firefox Goodies

Mozilla FirefoxImage via Wikipedia

Every once in awhile I go looking through recommended Firefox Add-Ons, because a) I love new browser gadgets and b) sometimes it's incredibly useful stuff. I found something cool if you're using Firefox 3.0, called Better Gmail 2. It takes the gmail client and allows a lot of new customizations (including the look of gmail itself). I think my favorite parts are hiding spam count, more options for your gmail folders, and a slew of things you can do with your contact list. Yay!

Zemanta Pixie


Bar L. said...

I do the same thing! I use better gmail and love it. I also found this site that has TOO MANY cool hacks to improve the look or function of a lot of applications. Have you ever check this place out:


skyblot said...

I downloaded FF3, for the world record, but I still love my Safari. For right now, speed > features.