We watched "Pay It Forward" this morning. I didn't want to watch it, I got sucked in while dusting the living room. I'm almost sorry I did... I may be one of the last out there to see this, but if you haven't, you may want to stop reading here.
I was hoping for a feel good ending - I started to get all teary-eyed long before the end; when the little boy (Trevor) had his interview with the LA reporter (Chris) I'm thinking "Here it comes, the happy ending!" But Nooooooooo.... they had to go and make a martyr out of Trevor and have him die in the end, not even knowing his mother and his teacher ended up happily ever after. WTF?! I do appreciate the beauty of an un-Hollywood ending, don't get me wrong. I just don't like those kind of surprises. It wasn't the message I was hoping to get from this movie. In reading some online reviews others got pissy about the candelight vigil at his mother's house; apparently it didn't follow the book and some thought it hokey. It was the only redeeming quality about that horribly sad ending, in my opinion. I forgot how much I like Helen Hunt... she doesn't get a lot of acting cred but for some reason I just like her. Kevin Spacey is phenomenal in anything he does, and Haley Joel Osment is just one of those incredible child actors. Let's hope he's out there focusing on school or something since we haven't seen him in awhile (or have we - I don't get out much). We don't need another Danny Bonaduce out there, right?
On another disappointing TV note - we're having some trouble with CBS in HD and our DVR. Sometimes when you pause live TV, the DVR freezes and you from the point it freezes, because it forces you to go "live". I missed the last 20 minutes of "Ghost Whisperer" on Friday, so I have no idea how the story ended.
Why Pre-Approval Is More Important Than Ever
12 hours ago
We need to get you into downloading episodes from BitTorrent. I sometimes do that if I missed something.
Trevor's "sacraficing" ticked me off too. I thought it was just cause I am sappy, but reading your rant has definitely made me feel better about that. I find that I am disappointed with most movie endings. There are more times than I care to remember that I am sitting in a theater or on my couch when a movie ends and my mouth is hanging open with a big "?" sitting over my head. Hollywood, apparently, has a LOT to learn.
That'll teach you to dust.
Ummm I never saw the movie and now I am glad I haven't...
I didn't see the movie because I heard the ending was lame. I still don't want to see it.
You can download TV shows? Who knew?
I didn't see Pay if Forward because I knew it would depress the hell out of me and can do that on my own :)
You did a nice review. You should do them more often!
I usually don't like movies that make me cry, but every now and then it's fun to just let loose and blubber like a baby!
Even though I don't think Spacey and Hunt did a very good job with Pay It Forward, I thoroughly enjoyed that movie. I credit it's success solely to HJO, who really shined in his role and made the movie worth watching.
If you guys haven't seen it yet, ya gotta see it! The whole story line of 'doing something nice for someone because you have a guarantee that they will do something nice for someone else' is pretty sappy, but good none the less.
WW: You can download anything from BitTorrent, lol. But I haven't figured out how to get it off my computer and on to DVD.
Martin: Yes! I need to do that. I have been thinking about it since you mentioned it last, and I just never sit down and check it out.
Amy: I'm finding that big "?" over my head a lot too when it comes to movie endings.
jj: I didn't realize HJO was little Forrest. Wow, he's been around awhile.
Fred: No kidding. I HATE dusting.
Jas: I'm so glad I'm not the only one who hates those kind of endings.
DG and Teri: It actually was a good movie, it was enough to suck me in while in a cleaning frenzy. Until the end, that is.
Layla: It was seriously depressing - bothered me for the rest of the day. Thanks for the review compliment. :)
rt: I agree, I would recommend this movie to others. As a whole, it's a good movie. That ending just really disturbed me... like I said, not the message I was hoping to get. I really wanted this kid to live happily ever after, which is I'm sure the book author threw a monkey wrench in there for us.
rt: oops... which is I'm sure *exactly why* the author threw the monkey wrench in there for us.
Damn typos.
LoL, I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't pointed it out.
Have you seen Session 9?
RT: No, I haven't seen "Session 9" but I looked it up on IMDB and it looks pretty good. Was it scary or just a mind bender?
I've watched "Pay It Forward" several times, I still couldn't help my tears.
Have you read the book "The Indigo Children"? It's a must read book for us who deal with children. I am finishing it now and I've found out it's in the news and was featured in The Oprah show.
Both... I guess technically, that excludes it from being a typical hollywood movie anyway, huh?
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