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Thursday, December 22, 2005

Quickie Tag

I was tagged again! This one came from Well Woman

List five weird things about yourself:

1. I am a serious germaphobe (if anyone knows the real name for it, please share it). Simply terrified of germs.

2. I have this weird thing about time. I hate being late, and I don't like being off-schedule.

3. I still watch Mtv at age 35.

4. My secret career wish: to be a rally car driver.

5. I played the violin for many years, and was a member of the Tucson Junior Symphony at age 9. Haven't picked up that violin in over 15 years, however.

Okay, this one is a quickie, so I'm going to share the tag. I tag: Angi, Amy, Ken and Sheena.

I was tagged by Angi with something else, that's to come later.


Ken said...

Um. Thanks I think. I'll have to remember this and return the favor later...wonder how Amy will get you back. I see chiffon and bows in your future...

LoraLoo said...

Auggghhhhh no no no

Not the bows on my butt threat! That's really only going to work until after the bridesmaid dress is a done deal, but I'll agree it is fair game at the moment. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I am seeing BIG BOWS!!!

Bar L. said...

Hey, you sure are one diversified chick! I am old, I switched to VH1.

LoraLoo said...

Layla: VH1 is my cornerstone, definitely. It's just better programming!

*s* said...

I'm with you on #1 (but you know that... lol) This is actually my first time being tagged with anything... and I keep trying to think of things, but who am I kidding? I'm normal... the rest of the world is weird... haha.

Fred said...

I still watch MTV, and I'm 48. So, rock on!

Have a great holiday weekend, Lora.

Bar L. said...

Just dropping by to wish you and your family very Merry Christmas! I hope there are pictures of Madison to share later! Have fun!!!

RT said...

Ummm... That would be donwannacatchyofunkydiseaseitis. And I have it too, lol.

Playing violin is cool, why did you give up?

Merry Christmas, Loraloo!

Teri said...

I hope you had a very merry Christmas. Can't wait to hear all about Madison opening her gifts.

BeckEye said...

Hey loraloo...hope you had a good holiday! I've been quite absent, but I'm hoping to get my own computer soon at my new digs. I'm at home for Christmas now, which is why I'm able to type away!

Oh, and I would drive you crazy. I am late for everything! I've got like a 10-minute delay thing going on in my internal clock.