I last looked at the clock last night and it said 2:36. Then my alarm went off at 5:30 this morning. I haven't had that much trouble sleeping in a long, long time (I was in bed at 10pm). When I was a little girl, and I couldn't sleep, I would move to the couch to sleep. A change in scenery always did the trick. That wasn't an option for me last night - so I tried sleeping without a pillow (thanks Martin) and although it didn't help my allergies sleeping flat, I finally fell asleep.
I'm actually going to work today. Be afraid, be very afraid!
Is It Time To Put Your House Back on the Market?
22 hours ago
Good trick. I'll give it a try next time I have problems sleeping. Thanks, Martin.
The decongestant in your allergy medicine is keeping you awake at night...
Woah, who would have thought my pillow issues could come in handy. B) Even though, I'm also liking J.A.K.'s idea of forcing your eyes open. Kind of like that trick of standing with your shoulder to a wall, continuing to try to lift your arm for 90 seconds while impeded by the wall and then stepping away from the wall. I can see the eye fighting the resistance to close and closing. Good luck at work, Lora. B) Say no to heavy machinery.
Jas: I did try that last night when I was again affected by insomnia - to no avail. It was a great attempt, however; I did get some good TV in trying to keep my eyes open. :)
Fred: It did the trick for me again last night - just something completely different I think is the key.
DG: You're right, those can keep you up. I can't take decongestants, they make my blood pressure skyrocket.
Martin: 6 hours of sleep in two nights, and I'm on the road here in Vegas.... muahahahaha
You mean, I could even up my odds of at-fault accidents this way? Then again, I've never been afraid of bumping into you.
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