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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Sleepy Time!

I'm up wayyy too late for me, but I absolutely had to finish Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I was too close to put it down until tomorrow. I have to get to bed, but wanted to stop in and say hi! It was a really good book, I'm glad I finished it tonight.

I browsed through some of my favorite blogs and I see I have some reading to do! Hope the day is fabulous for you... now I am off to check out my eyelids.


Teri said...

Don't you hate it when you finish a good book? I wanted to finish it and find out how it ended, but I didn't want to finish it because I enjoyed it so much... Did you cry?

Unknown said...

Everyone is going to be so disappointed after she finshes book 7. They won't know what to do with themselves.

Martin said...

I can't wait to see what she winds up trying to start next. Btw, do your eyelids say the same thing on the inside of yours as they do mine?

LoraLoo said...

Teri: I was sort of sad when I finished it, because it was such a good book, and because I was crying! An ending I hadn't expected in the least.

dg: I was reading on her website that she has already finished it, too bad we'll have to wait another year or two before it gets out. I will just have to look forward to all the movies being made, I suppose!

Martin: It will be interesting to see what she does next. I do like her writing style. My eyelids have a "Do not open until (enter time here)" sign. :)