This afternoon Coworker S. is sitting in my office trying to convince me the best way to fix my iTunes database so that I can effectively use smart playlists. I was getting ready to call a user as we were arguing about my lack of care to fix all 9000+ tags down to the crazy level he did his own, and I expressed the need to pee. (I know, but he's my office husband so he hears it whether he likes it or not.) He knows my bladder is the size of a lima bean - so what does he do while I'm on the phone with the user? He gets a bottle of water, and proceeds to pour that bottle of water, ever so slowly, into a glass.
While I was cursing him under my breath as I literally ran for the ladies room, I smiled. Having people like him at work keeps me sane. Laughter really is the best medicine.
p.s. - the post title is a Dwight quote from "The Office".
While I was cursing him under my breath as I literally ran for the ladies room, I smiled. Having people like him at work keeps me sane. Laughter really is the best medicine.
p.s. - the post title is a Dwight quote from "The Office".
At least you didn't find the contents of your cubicle in the vending machine.
I have to say that I love Coworker S.'s sense of humor. Now you have to plot your revenge.
I always get a kick out of the crap Jim does to Dwight. Those two make that show, IMO.
That's hilarious! If you aren't having a little fun in the office everyonce in a while, it's really hard to stay sane.
I think that's why I like going into an office again, even if it is across town. Stupid commute.
Followed you back from Fred's (he's a good egg, and been here today, I see).
I was going to move on when I see the comment description is "non-lurkers" so I thought I should leave a note so I don't earn that moniker.
I discourage students from leaving to use the restroom in my middle school class.
On occasion, while some boy is begging me to let him go, I stall while I throwing a video of a large waterfall I made onto the large screen with the volume going.
A little mean, a little amusing, but it gets them to use the restroom during break before class!
He didn't put that stapler in yellow jellow, did he?
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