There is absolutely nothing exciting to report home from camp. It was a crazy week at work, I was looking forward to a fabulous Saturday with the troops... but my little camper is teething and miserable. It was a whiney, grumpy, sour-faced kind of day. Karl and I are more tired tonight, after a day off.
Caught up on the DVR list tonight. Finally got to watch last Monday's Medium. I hope you all watch. this. show. I knew Patricia Arquette was good when I saw her in Stigmata, and yes, I remember her in one of the Freddy Krueger flicks (wasn't it the first one?). She was even in a metal video way back in the day, and damn I can't remember the band right now. If you look at her page, she's actually done quite a bit of work. Anyway, my point. She does a fantastic job as psychic Allison Dubois, we are hooked.
Weird ponder of the day... what do you think toddlers think about before they fall asleep? Madison is never asleep when we put her in bed, but she never cries after the goodnight kisses and the lights go out. Just something that popped in my head.
Buying Your First Home? It’s Okay To Feel Nervous
11 hours ago
I dug Stigmata. Man, if Gabriel Byrne was my priest I'd try to get busy with him too.
LOL what Beck said...she's too funny.
About what toddlers think at bedtime - I don't know but it sounds like she feels secure and conent and loved. Not all little ones are that calm at bedtime. I think that says a lot about her parents :)
I haven't seen your show yet. I think it's because I've Tivo'ed a lot recently and am still catching up on things (started adding Bones and Threshold this season but have at least 3 episoded of each waiting for me.)
As for bedtime, I think her last thought is probably... "it really is dark in here."
beckeye: Purrrrr, Gabri!el Byrne.
well woman: Thanks, what a nice thing to say!
Martin: Looks like you are on Tivo overload. There are a lot of good shows out there I don't watch because I know I can't keep up. We already have no time to catch movies, we're too busy trying to stay afloat with prime time.
I saw one episode of that and really enjoyed it. But lately I've been too busy studying (and blogging!!) to watch TV...
Haven't seen Medium yet. I have too much other stuff on TiVo backlog right now. Whatever happened to actually watching shows when they are on? I got TiVo so that I wouldn't be stressed about missing an episode or so. Now, I get stressed when there is too much of a backlog and it's going to take a serious effort to get caught up.
Food. And the potty. That's what's on their mind. :)
She's too afraid to even move! The boogie man under her bed might get her if she makes a sound 8|
In my opinion, Patricia Arquette rocks! And she's too under-rated as an actress... But hopefully that will change if this show takes off. (Guess I should watch it to show my support, huh?)
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